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181. In the design of SRAM memory array , we often meet with the problem about cross talk which is brought about by adjacent signal wire and node coupling.
182. D. have the stakeholder meet with the project sponsor to get the sponsor's agreement that project fund should be expended on this effort.
183. To personally meet with guests at our beautiful Retreat Center in Utica , Ohio.
184. Ten years ago, I'd flown to Tarawa, capital of the Micronesian country of Kiribati, which includes the Phoenix Islands, to meet with government officials.
185. At the same type of gametes and meet with the special-shaped gametes fertilization methods, cells have flagella , the fusion of two gametes in the water swimming meet and achieve fertilization.
186. The editors often meet with such problems as the authors copyright, the medical thesiss quality and his makings when analyze the medical journals press proof. So we point out the reason...
187. "When we were informed that he is coming to Ljubljana (Slovenia's capital) and would like to meet with people from Microsoft Slovenia I was looking forward to meet him," Potokar said.
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